
We’d love to hear about your experience with the detox program. Please drop us a note at support@ayurvedicyogadetox.com

Here’s what some of our past clients have to say:


Amazing things have happened since the detox. I have completely given up black tea and have now switched to having a little green tea once in a while (something I had been wanting to do for a long time). Secondly, my dry skin problem almost completely resolved itself during the detox. This was miraculous for me! I’ve always had dry skin, and it has always required a lot of work. It seemed to be getting worse with each passing year and took up so much of my time. Last but not least, my relentless and inexplicable weight gain seems to have stopped. My metabolism seems to be much faster and I’m still losing weight. It really does feel like whatever hurdles there were preventing my body from functioning the way it used to, have been removed.

— Farrah, New York NY

Overall, the biggest feel good moment for me was quitting smoking after 18 years. I have not thought about it since the beginning of the cleanse and probably never will again. This process has given me a glimpse of our boundless capacity to create and destroy ourselves and everything around us, with every breath we take. You are a beautiful being and an inspiring teacher, thank you.

— Basak, Brooklyn NY

Just wanted to say how grateful I am for the role and continuing inspiration that our recent detox has played in my life. I’ve never felt more energetic in almost every day! I’ve stuck to eating small portions of healthy foods with occasional treats, without caving to junk food or alcohol or caffeine. I feel amazing. I can do my work with pleasure, I lost a couple of straggling pounds and my moods are better. Even my girlfriend has noticed the difference. Thank you so much for giving me so many fantastic tools to keep myself happy and healthy, and encouraging us to make good choices every day. This has seriously changed my life.

— Betsy, Brooklyn NY

Thank you for such a wonderful experience. This was the first detox I’ve done where I didn’t feel depleted or faint. I really feel my absolute best. I’m very inspired to incorporate many of the practices into my routine as I have really enjoyed the benefits.

— Rachael, Brooklyn NY

Just wanted to let you know that I feel amazing and thank you so much for this experience. I have been racking my brain trying to remember when I last felt this good and I honestly cannot remember.

— Libby, Brooklyn NY

I feel so amazing!!! I sleep so well, and it’s such deep sleep. I wake up early without an alarm and feel totally refreshed. I love it! Thank you for all you have taught me!!!!

— Alyssa, New York NY

I am definitely integrating almost everything we learned this week. I’ve made believers of a number of people who will hopefully be taking your detox classes in the future. Really you changed my life - thank you very much.

— Sishush, Brooklyn NY

Thank you so much for your guidance and daily inspiration. It was quite a journey and a challenge, but also an awakening. Food and the effect it has on the body was truly eye opening. I feel lighter, and, as a matter of fact, lost 10 pounds during the cleanse. I still need to lose more weight, but with the new set of tools you have provided, I am sure I will get there.

— Tom, Queens NY

I really want to thank you for a life-changing experience. I’ve carried over a lot of the morning practices from the detox into my daily life. I really feel healthier than I ever have before. Thank you so much for introducing me to so many good habits, and for all of your encouragement along the way.

— Victoria, Brooklyn NY

So much energy today -- out of control!  Woke up at 5:30 ready to solve all the worlds problems (well, some of mine anyway).  Feel so amazing today, like I turned the corner! Like a natural red bull!  Wasn’t trying to, or needing to, but lost 10 pounds.  Thanks for this -- it’s taken discipline and planning, but I feel awesome!

— Jason, New York NY

My mental state is more stable and balanced. I am not putting too much pressure on myself nor judging myself, which is fantastic. I just want to let you know how glad I am to have found and signed up for your program. Namaste!

— Susan, New York NY

Your guidance and attention to detail was wonderful and helped a lot to get through the cleanse. You’ve put together a great program. I very much liked how everything was explained in depth and that it addressed the body on so many different levels.

— Anke, Brooklyn NY

Thank you for being such a strong beacon of support and wisdom. I feel as though you have opened a new window for me in this city.

— Annie, Brooklyn NY

I truly feel energized, positive and healthy! And, aside from some cravings at night, it was not too difficult.

— Julia, Brooklyn NY

Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful guidance and coaching. It was an incredible experience for my husband and for me. We both feel amazing and really enjoyed being there for one another throughout the process. It's a bonding experience - that is for sure!

— Julie, New York NY

I absolutely loved the cleanse and look forward to doing it again. The hardest part was the second day of juicing when I wanted to cave in and eat a deep fried, cheese-filled horse. However, after reading your day 4 email, I ate apple sauce and waited (impatiently) for my vegetable broth to cook. And needless to say, I survived! I loved the detox baths. I feel lighter, more energetic, and not nearly as inclined to eat everything in sight. I'm even looking forward to beach days in my bathing suit! My clothes are certainly looser, and I no longer have the belly pooch (where I'm certain that the cheese fat was stored). :) Thank you for your support and wisdom. You will be highly recommended to anyone that asks.

— Lily, New York NY

Thank you for guiding us through this amazing process. I needed it so desperately- physically, emotionally, spiritually and holistically. You have such a gift of teaching and inspiring. I can’t thank you enough for leading me down this healthier path. Your program really got me back aligned with where I want to be in order to be my best.

-Jill, Boston MA

I love the morning and evening rituals I've created for myself and I hope to incorporate as many as I can in my daily life. One of the biggest things for me is going off coffee- I had such intense withdrawals going off it but now I'm feeling really energized without it (which is crazy for me because I usually drink a lot of coffee every day). Ultimately, it was just so good to know that I don't need all of the things I was relying on to get me through (and wind down from with wine) the day. And it feels so good to have my nervous system, energy, and digestion feeling better and more regulated.

-Kate, State College PA